
Metamorphosys Charity at Panti Asuhan Yayasan Abhimata Mitrasamaya.

A little callback from our routinities to open our eyes to the world around us. Hope this event could give a great start to our days ahead. Dont forget to be grateful !

metamorphosys women with two kids of abhimata

Switching our mundane routine with joy and laughter

metamorphosys with Abhimata

Surround yourself with people who make your heart smile

children of abhimata writing text

Each name filled with hope and prayers in this white paper filled by compassion.

metamorphosys men play with abhimata children

“Let’s sing ! If you can sing with us, we will give you a candy!”


metamorphosys with Abhimata

metamorphosys team with abhimata

young group at orphanage

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With Love,
Panti Asuhan Abhimata Mitrasamaya,
Friday, 14 June 2019

Categories: Event